3935 North Broadway Geneva, OH 44041

Our Team

Willow Lake has an incredible team of seasonal staff. Working together is kind of like being back at summer camp! They are our counselors, our caretakers, and they all feel a deep sense of responsibility for the campgrounds and campers.

We’re so grateful to each of them for their years of camping and service to Willow Lake.



steve klaue with is wife at dinner smiling

Steve’s parents, William (Bill) and Lorene, bought an old run-down farm in 1960 and began transforming it into what would become the WIL-LO Lake Campground. Steve was five years old at the time and grew up witnessing the development of the campground. In 1970, the campground was officially established, and it quickly gained popularity among campers and outdoor enthusiasts.

In 1976, when his parents sold the Campground, Steve stayed on to become the Grounds Manager and Master Mechanic.

On May 15, 1977, Steve and Carole celebrated their wedding on the campgrounds, coinciding with his parents’ 25th anniversary. It was a special day that marked the merging of their lives and their deep connection to the campground.

Today, Steve holds the position of General Manager and Master Mechanic at Willow Lake. His expertise and commitment to the campground’s legacy have made him a respected figure among staff and campers alike.

Steve indulges in his passions for woodworking and golf. He particularly enjoys using his lathe to craft beautiful wood bowls. Carole, on the other hand, has a love for various crafts, enjoys photography, and relishes going on driving trips with Steve, exploring the beauty of the surrounding areas.



andrew altenwag smiling with his grandchildren

Andrew was part of the United States Air Force for 23 years, and worked for the State of Ohio for 27. He first came to Willow Lake in 2018 looking for a seasonal site, as he travels in the winter. He liked Willow Lake’s location, appearance, quiet, laid back atmosphere and he knew it would be good for his grand children! He loves exploring the area parks and visiting local restaurants.

“My main reasons for camping are the friendly people, country atmosphere, and the opportunity to get closer to nature.”



denis and pat hite smiling together

Pat has held multiple jobs over the years. She found being a Firefighter & EMT at the Madison Fire District for 9 years most rewarding. She was also a Registered Nurse for 25 years at Lake Health & University Hospitals.

Denis was a First Energy supervisor for 39 years and worked for the Ohio State Highway Patrol for 22 years. He served on three Volunteer Fire Departments (Mentor-on-the-Lake, Fairport Harbor and Madison Fire District). He was the Madison Fire District Station Lieutenant, Paramedic, EMS Coordinator, and Arson Investigator for Lake County!

Pat and Denis have been married for 39 years and have been coming to Willow Lake for over five. They love that it’s close to home, the family environment, the spacious lots, and being with friends. They love to sit by the campfire and Pat loves to sew in the camper when Denis is on security patrol. Denis loves to connect with the families, hand out cookies, and glow sticks to the kids!



robert rojc smiling with his wife holding a glass of wine

“I was raised on a farm in Geauga County and we camped out by the lake since I was a young boy. I’ve probably camped at Willow Lake since the late 70s or early 80s.”
Robert married his high school sweetheart. They’ve been together for 36 years. As a professional, Robert worked in the tool and die steel industry.

Since his days on the lake as a boy, he’s always liked camping and spending time outdoors. In particular, he and his wife love the Geneva area because of the lake, wineries, and live entertainment. It’s a great area to ride his Harley.

Robert enjoys working at Willow Lake because it feeds his passions of being outdoors, and tackling tasks that are different and challenging.



mary ann weema smilling and wearing green staff polo

Professionally, Mary was a Department Assistant for Case Western Reserve University for 13 years. She managed the Identification Center, Parking assignments, Key card Access to specific areas, and food service account.

“We found Willow Lake Campgrounds by accident. We were looking to buy a camper and a friend sent us here.” She and her late husband, Larry, became seasonal campers in 2010. Even though he passed away 9 years ago she still comes. She joined the Willow Lake Team 11 years ago! She’s been on the front lines ever since, meeting, greeting, and checking in campers. “It’s more like fun than a job.”

“There’s nothing like time around a campfire to melt away your cares and woes.”

Mary loves taking her Pomeranian pup, Tootsie, for meet and greets around the park on her golf cart. They both enjoy the wonderful people they meet and offering a helping hand to get our folks in and on their way to a great camping experience, whether for a couple of days or a full season.